Monday, October 29, 2012

Hi from McKenna

SOOO I decided it was about time I posted. So anyhoo I'm McKenna and I am in grade 5 and I love reading other peoples blogs. Nellie STILL hasn't configured the site so you,vmy peeps can follow my awesomeness. I take an online course for school and unfortunately Frankenstorm Sandy can't shut it down until we lose power. I am also on a mobiledevice zo yeah. My mom (Maddie) has a Kindle that I can post from. Stay safe in the Frankenstorm everyone!! Hearts McKenna.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oops and Halloween fun!

The oops... I *just* realized that the background is about as far from reality as it is right now up here.

and the Halloween fun::

Halloween Story Contest!
Hey it’s Nellie here and I decided to post a Halloween story contest for the other doll bloggers out there. I want you to write a short Halloween story about whatever you want. It can be your adventures, or anything else but YOU have to be in it!!
Also, you have to add a picture. It will be of you in your costume!
The results will be posted on here and my mom’s blog, Horseykidd.
Can’t wait for some thrilling bedtime reading!! I will be taking entries through November 4.

<3 u all!

Friday, October 5, 2012